About Me

Hi! I received my BEng degree from Jilin University, China. Then, I received the MSc and Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. I am an Associate Editor at Computers and Electrical Engineering. I am the guest editor of Information Fusion, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, and Frontiers in Marine Science. I am the chair of an invited session at ICONIP 2023/2024.

My Ph.D. was co-supervised by Prof. Suganthan (IEEE Fellow), Asst Prof. Yuen Kum Fai, and Dr. Okan Duru. You can find the full publication list at my Google Scholar.

Academic Service

Associate editor at Computers & Electrical Engineering

Guest editor at Information Fusion, Topic: Multi-source data fusion for sustainable cities

Guest editor at EAAI, Topic: Advanced machine learning for the maritime industry

Guest editor at Computers & Electrical Engineering, Topic: Randomization-Based Deep and Shallow Learning Algorithms

Guest editor at Frontiers in Marine Science, Topic: Emerging Computational Intelligence Techniques to Address Challenges in Oceanic Computing

Session chair at ICONIP 2023/2024.

Reviewers for IEEE TNNLS, T-SMC-Systems, TVT, TFS; Elsevier PRJ, ASOC, EAAI, CAEE, APEN; Springer NCAA; PVLDB, CIKM

Research Interest

My research interests include machine learning, randomized neural networks, time series forecasting, and artificial intelligence for the maritime industry.

Selected Publications

Gao, R., Li, R., Hu, M., Suganthan, P. N., & Yuen, K. F. (2023). Dynamic ensemble deep echo state network for significant wave height forecasting. Applied Energy, 329, 120261.

Du, L., Gao, R., Suganthan, P. N., & Wang, D. Z. (2022). Bayesian optimization based dynamic ensemble for time series forecasting. Information Sciences, 591, 155-175.

Snasel, V., Štěpnička, M., Ojha, V., Suganthan, P. N., Gao, R., & Kong, L. (2024). Large-scale data classification based on the integrated fusion of fuzzy learning and graph neural network. Information Fusion, 102, 102067.

Wu, Y., Fan, M., Cao, Z., Gao, R., Hou, Y., & Sartoretti, G. (2023, December). Collaborative Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problems. In 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS).

Gao, R., Li, R., Hu, M., Suganthan, P. N., & Yuen, K. F. (2023). Online dynamic ensemble deep random vector functional link neural network for forecasting. Neural Networks, 166, 51-69.

Liang, M., Weng, L., Gao, R., Li, Y., & Du, L. (2024). Unsupervised maritime anomaly detection for intelligent situational awareness using AIS data. Knowledge-Based Systems, 284, 111313.

To a great mind, nothing is little

Homepage for Ruobin Gao